Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Everyday Luxury

When you think of luxury, does it conjure up images of private jets, yachts, fancy cars, mansions, and designer goods? Is that your definition of luxury?

To many that would be considered the epitome of luxury. And there is nothing wrong with that. However, I see things a bit differently. I believe everyone should enjoy the luxuries in life. 

There are many luxuries that are inexpensive and even free, making it obtainable to anyone who takes time to notice and appreciate it.  

Luxury is defined in the dictionary as: something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary

So, luxury is anything that adds comfort or pleasure to your life that is beyond your basic necessities of life which are: water, food, shelter, and clothing. These things are needed to survive. Anything above survival level is a non-essential and thus a luxury.

What if you could have luxury every day, beginning now?

Here are a few of my favorite ways to add luxury to my life:

:: Have fresh flowers in your home. Whether you purchase a bouquet at the grocery store or pick flowers from your garden, they are a luxurious addition to your life.

:: Create space. Luxurious spaces are often simple and spacious. Work on clearing out the clutter in every area of your life. By clearing out the excess stuff that you don't need, love, or use, you create a path for more to come to you.

:: Spritz perfume and add a dash of lipstick. By taking the time to look your best each day, you are sending a message to the world that you are worthy of a luxurious life.

:: Spend time in nature. Nature is gloriously abundant and it soothes the soul.

:: Follow your passions. A passionate woman is a beautiful woman. You will wake up excited about each day's possibilities and will be motivated, energetic, and full of joy.

:: Listen to music that speaks to your soul. 

:: Become a food snob. Stay away from fast food places and processed foods as much as possible. Retrain your palate to enjoy bountiful fruits and vegetables. Borrow cookbooks from the library and try new recipes.

:: Expand your mind. Learn a new language. Read good books. Do puzzles. Question everything!

:: Invest in quality bedding. You spend a third of your life in bed. Make it as comfortable as possible.

:: Always choose quality over quantity. Have fewer things that are the best quality you can afford.

:: Do more. Have less. This is my personal mantra! Walks on the beach, connecting with family and friends, stargazing, etc. I'd rather have more time for experiences than more stuff to clutter up my home and life.

:: Dark chocolate. Until my husband turned me on to dark chocolate, I'd happily eat any kind of chocolate that came my way. Dark chocolate is delectable and decadent. Definitely falls into the luxury category. 

:: Simplify. Your home, finances, to-do to simplify your life.

:: Clean your car. My car is no longer brand new, but I feel like a million bucks when I'm riding around after it's been detailed and washed. 

:: Keep your home clean. Build simple routines into your day so you can live a life of ease and can welcome people into your home without embarrassment.

:: Eliminate toxicity. People, places, or things. It doesn't matter. If it is dragging you down, get rid of it!

:: Think abundant, positive thoughts because thoughts become things.

Now, it's your turn. In what ways do you add luxury to your life? I am dying to hear your thoughts. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Give Yourself Permission

 Why is it that we, as women, put all of our time and effort into insuring that those we love are happy but do not do the same for ourselves? It's like we believe we have to go through some kind of martyrdom before we can allow anything good in our lives.

Have you noticed that men do not seem to have that problem?

Well enough of that!

From this day forward, I am giving myself permission to be happy and to do the things the make me happy, such as:

:: Listening to Prince

:: Saying no to things I do not care to do

:: Enjoying a piece of dark chocolate

:: Going to lunch with a friend

:: Turning in early for the night

:: Reading good books

:: Spending time at the beach

What makes you happy? Do you even know anymore? When is the last time you did something for yourself?

Girlfriend, it is time to find out!

Are you a crafter? Search Pinterest and look for craft ideas.

Are you a singer? Sing in the shower. Sing in the car? Sing anywhere and everywhere! Or take voice lessons!!

Are you a cake baker? Take cake decorating classes or even just research how to decorate cakes and experiment on your own. Your friends and family will love it!

Do you love hair and makeup? Look up tutorials on YouTube and practice different looks and techniques.

Assignment :: I want you to think back and remember what things made you happy. Make a list and begin to make time for those things.

The world is your oyster. There is no limit to what you can learn and do! 

Give yourself permission to be happy. A happy woman makes life sweeter. Do not put off living your life to the fullest to "some day". 

Begin creating a life you love today.

Monday, February 2, 2015

What Are You Waiting For?

How long have you yearned for a fresh start and put it off until the time was right? 

Mhm. That's what I thought.

I am just as guilty as you are. Out of my forty years, I would say the last thirty have been spent pining for a life that was extraordinary. And I finally realized that there is a never a perfect time to do anything new. 

You have to make time. You have to take risks. 

You just have to DO IT.

Stop making endless plans and start taking action!

Fear has kept me from pursuing my dreams. My mind tells me:

I am too old to do something new.
I need to be a better writer.
I need better photos.
What makes me an expert in anything?
What do I know?
Who do I think I am?

I am the woman who is feeling the fear and uncertainty and doing it anyway. I will figure things out as I go along. I'm a smart cookie.

I got this!

And you do, too!

So, tell me, what are you waiting for? What dreams have laid buried for ages?