Monday, February 2, 2015

What Are You Waiting For?

How long have you yearned for a fresh start and put it off until the time was right? 

Mhm. That's what I thought.

I am just as guilty as you are. Out of my forty years, I would say the last thirty have been spent pining for a life that was extraordinary. And I finally realized that there is a never a perfect time to do anything new. 

You have to make time. You have to take risks. 

You just have to DO IT.

Stop making endless plans and start taking action!

Fear has kept me from pursuing my dreams. My mind tells me:

I am too old to do something new.
I need to be a better writer.
I need better photos.
What makes me an expert in anything?
What do I know?
Who do I think I am?

I am the woman who is feeling the fear and uncertainty and doing it anyway. I will figure things out as I go along. I'm a smart cookie.

I got this!

And you do, too!

So, tell me, what are you waiting for? What dreams have laid buried for ages?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I have had this desire to do art journaling for YEARS. I even started to work on it a long time ago but just never went very far. Recently I joined an online community of art journaling ladies in all phases of it. And I gathered my supplied (most I already had). But then I just didn't do anything. Scared. Intimidated. Worried I wouldn't be as perfect as my mind wanted to me to be (at a level of ridiculous and unattainable). And I made myself share these thoughts with the group. And so many women felt the same and so many just said - just start. So thanks for confirming that Tracy! Just do it afraid. :)
